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March, 2013: CriticEl project has announced ENCRITICEL Horizon2020 project idea.

ENCRITICEl project idea was announced in Düssledorf, Successful R&I in Europe: 5th European Networking Event" organised by NRW.Europa - An Enterprise Europe Network Partner


Energy mineral exploration and critical elements as by-products ENCRITICEL

There is a growing tendency in several countries to utilize coal resources on a wider basis as replacement of the shrinking potential for imported natural gas. Several minerals and chemical elements are mobilized during these technologies which may as well be utilized as by-products of the energy production. These are germanium and beryllium, which also appear on the criticality list of the EU. An ongoing Hungarian EU co-financed basic research project aims at identifying these potential enrichments in Hungarian mineral resources by combining geological knowledge and processing technology innovation. The proposed follow-up project would scale up the positive achievements of the basic research onto demonstration level on coal occurrences.


Partner Search:

Research Organizations and Universities in the field of geology, mining, mineral processing and metallurgy

NGOs in the area of legislation related offices and owner of databases

SMEs can be plant owner or machine producer fit to the topic, or end user of coal based raw materials


If you are interested, contact us at:

Projekt neve: CriticEl - "Nemzetközi együttműködésben
megvalósuló alapkutatás a kritikus
nyersanyagok hazai gazdaságfejlesztő
potenciáljának kiaknázására"
TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV -2012-0005