10.04.2014. The Admine consortium submitted its proposal for the Horizon2020 call

The consortium, which is coordinated by Geonardo, has 11 members. The University of Miskolc is represented by the team of the Earth Science Engineering Faculty.  The proposal has been submitted to the EU for the 8April deadline. The work is aimed at elaborating legal framework to protect  and develop mineral deposits of public importance. The 30 month long project will be completed by partners from Hungary, UK, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, EU/Brussels.


János Földessy

Projekt neve: CriticEl - "Nemzetközi együttműködésben
megvalósuló alapkutatás a kritikus
nyersanyagok hazai gazdaságfejlesztő
potenciáljának kiaknázására"
TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV -2012-0005