10.01.2014 PGE enrichments in Hungarian geological formations?

Module leader: Dr. Éva Hartai, senior lecturer, foldshe@uni-miskolc.hu

Are there any PGE enrichments in Hungary? Our research aims to reveal their occurrence and potential grade of enrichment. First we collected all relevant data from the Hungarian  archives and summarized the results in the first volume of the  monographs in the CriticEl project.

According our research plan the following formations have PGE potential: (1) the Recsk ore complex; (2) Jurassic igneous rocks of the Szarvaskő unit; (3) Triassic volcanics of the Darnó Complex; (4) mafic and ultramafic igneous bodies in deep boreholes in other areas..
The field work has already been carried out and the available drilling samples were also collected along with the preparation of the samples. Recently the ore microscopic, microprobe and X-ray diffraction analysis, as well as the chemical analysis by ICP -AES method is in progress. Based on the  results a summary evaluation will be carried out. In the sustainment of the project, further research efforts will be paid on the promising areas.
Éva Hartai
PGE, platina,  Recsk, Irota, Szarvaskő, Darnó

Projekt neve: CriticEl - "Nemzetközi együttműködésben
megvalósuló alapkutatás a kritikus
nyersanyagok hazai gazdaságfejlesztő
potenciáljának kiaknázására"
TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV -2012-0005