12.01.2014. Surface geophysics in discovering ore enrichments

Surface geophysics are non-destructive physical methods applied for mineral exploration. The presence of an ore-body may be concluded from the subsurface distributions of the different physical parameters, as determined by the inversion  of the observed geophysical data. In the course of the project we made geophysical measurements in the vicinity of Bükkszentkereszt and Irota and interpreted the geophysical data of Pátka-Szűzvár area. Important beryllium (Be) indications are known in Bükkszentkereszt.   Complex geophysical (magnetic, very low frequency electromagnetic, spectral radiometry, multielectrode resistivity and induced polarization) measurements were made  to gain more knowledge about the host rock of Be ores. It was observed that these  ore zones were overlain by mainly high resistivity and low chargeability metavolcanics.  For further exploration, the simultaneous application of resistivity and induced polarization measurements can be suggested.  In the figure, the geophysical interpretation of the measured apparent resistivity (A) and apparent chargeability (B) along the same profile can be seen. On the right part of the section the effect of separated limestone blocks embedded in clay, in the middle a high resistivity and low chargeability zone of the inhomogeneous metavolcanic bedrock in uplifted situation and on the left from a fault the effect of the gradually ascending metavolcanics, finally appearing on the surface, can be observed.


Endre Turai, Beryllium, Bükkszentkereszt

Projekt neve: CriticEl - "Nemzetközi együttműködésben
megvalósuló alapkutatás a kritikus
nyersanyagok hazai gazdaságfejlesztő
potenciáljának kiaknázására"
TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV -2012-0005